Practice information


The current primary care system in England, whereby GPs [general practitioners] are contractors to the NHS, was born out of the decision made at the establishment of the NHS in 1947. Storrsdale has been a well established Medical Practice since this period. Storrsdale Medical Centre provides a wide range of health services, including medical advice, vaccinations, examinations and treatment, prescriptions for medicines, referrals to other health services and social services. In the beginning of 2007, Dr. Murugesh Velayudham took over as the successor of Dr. S A Kumar, who previously held the position of senior GP partner at Storrsdale Medical Centre. Dr. Murugesh Velayudham and his team have been diligently providing the highest quality of care to the patients of Storrsdale Medical Centre since 2007. His commitment and expertise have undoubtedly made a significant impact on the well-being of the community. 

We offer a transparent service to all, ensuring services available are needed and used. With full disabled access, our custom built premises offers an inviting place for you to ensure your life is a happy and healthy one. 

Our clinical team consists of Salaried GPs, Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Practice nurses, First Contact Physicians and clinical pharmacist. The practice team deliver a full range of clinical services under our General Medical Services (GMS) contract with NHS England.